2267 Sqn Visit AirTanker

What are the chances of spotting a letter of Air Cadet interest and in so doing, establishing communications with an ex-cadet from the 1950s? Well that is exactly what happened when the OC of 2210 (Cowley) squadron, Flight Lieutenant Nigel Furlong spotted an article in the Oxford Mail.
The letter to the paper was written by 70 year old Mr Bryan Cole, formerly of Oxford but, since 1975 a resident of Adelaide, South Australia. In his subsequent letter to Flight Lieutenant Furlong he said: Continue reading
Thame Squadron have won the prestigous Hope Trophy in the national Media and Communications Awards.
The Squadron were recognised for their role in the high-profile funeral of Bee Gee and music legend Robin Gibb, including the forming of a Guard of honour. As a result of the support that they provided in support of the late singer and his family, cadets were filmed on national television, where they were immaculately turned-out and showed a clear demonstration of Robin’s close link and support to his local unit. Continue reading
Wing Commander Chris Fisher has been named as a recipient of the Order of the British Empire in the New Year’s Honours List.
In addition to his busy role as Officer Commanding Thames Valley Wing he is also a Staff Pilot with 612 Volunteer Gliding Squadron and Chairman of the Royal County of Berkshire Reserve Forces and Cadet Association. Continue reading